Thursday, April 18, 2019

April Activity - Treasures in a bag!

Hello parents and caregivers! Welcome to our website! In here, you will be able to find some activities that you can do together with your child at home. We will be updating this page every month so be sure to check out this page for creative ideas!
For this month, we will be doing the activity “Treasures in a bag!”.

You will need the following materials for this activity:

1) Rice/ Beans (approximately 6 cups)
2) 1 large Ziplock Bag
3) 2 sets of identical 3D alphabets

Here’s how you can carry out the activity:

Step 1: Pour the rice/ beans into the ziplock bag.

Step 2: Place one set of the alphabets into the ziplock bag. You will use the other set of alphabets later.

Step 3: Close the ziplock bag and shake the bag well. You will want to ensure that all the alphabets in the bag are covered by the rice/ beans.

Step 4: Get your child to put his/her hand into the ziplock bag and find the alphabets one by one. Line the other set of alphabets on the table. When your child finds an alphabet from the bag, ask him/her to match it to the set of alphabets on the table. Keep going until all the alphabets have been found and matched!

You can try this activity with other materials too! Instead of getting your child to find alphabets, you can also use 3D shapes or placards with simple words written on them.

The main idea here is to provide a chance for your child to have a tactile sensory activity, learn how to match items based on their properties and have a fun and enjoyable time!

Try it with your child today and let us know in the comments section below how it went! Have an enjoyable time with your child!

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